We use reader data to auto-curate the articles, meaning that the most valuable resources move to the top. 2019 eLearning Learning Summer Reading ListĮLearning Learning is a collection of the leading industry thought leadership in the form of blogs, webinars, and downloadable resources, on one convenient website.Have resources to share? Submit Your Own! 4 Ways to Close the Learning-Doing Gap for Front-Line Managers.Move Beyond Learning to Applying: A Modern Management Development Program.Living up to the Promise of eLearning: Closing the Learning-Doing Gap.The Secret to Getting Learning Results May Not Be What You Think.Learn with the Flow: Digital Adoption Tactics That Drive Digital Transformation.Brain Fog HQ: Memory Enhancement Techniques to Declutter Your Mind.

The analysis further emphasizes the importance of retention as a comprehensive priority issue for human resources when recruiting and maintaining the nursing workforce internationally. Our concept analysis provides clarification to better understand nurse retention along with its implications for the healthcare workforce. Retention has consequences for individual nurses, the healthcare organization, and the overall health system. Antecedents of nurse retention included the healthcare system at the macro level, the health care facility, health personnel, and living conditions. Four key attributes of nurse retention were identified in the analysis, specifically motivation, intention, and individual decision strategy and intervention geographic context and attachment to work. The Walker and Avant approach was applied to analyze the concept of nurse retention. This study focuses on a concept analysis in an effort to clarify the attributes of nurse retention, including its antecedents and consequences. Nurse retention is widely acknowledged as a crucial international workforce issue, yet the concept remains ambiguous.